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Avoiding common basement foundation repair mistakes can help homeowners bypass costly repairs and tedious flooding issues. According to a study, 98% of homeowners must deal with various problems caused by water damage during their lifetime. 

In other words, there’s a high possibility that your basement might have a waterproofing problem at some point. So, what can you do to avoid these life-changing problems that could cause more than just costly repairs? The answer is simple – consider investing in professional basement waterproofing services.  

Aside from helping you mitigate these tedious, complex, and quite costly issues, waterproofing professionals can also provide additional knowledge and actionable insights into the best basement waterproofing practices to prolong the life of your home and property.  

More importantly, they can advise you on avoiding the most common basement foundation repair mistakes and improve your home’s waterproofing in West Chester. Let’s delve deeper into the common basement waterproofing mistakes West Chester homeowners should avoid at all costs.

1. Waterproofing paint isn’t enough to protect your basement foundation


basement waterproofing in West Chester

According to experts on basement waterproofing in West Chester, PA, “waterproofing paint is vital, but relying on only paint won’t be enough to contain and prevent waterproofing issues that could expose you to costly basement foundation repairs.”  

Many homeowners wrongly believe that waterproofing paint is enough to secure their properties against various issues, such as basement foundation damage caused by water intrusion. As helpful as it may be, waterproofing paint is nothing more than a quick fix. As such, it won’t tackle the underlying issue.  

In fact, it can cause additional problems, such as basement foundation cracking and bubbling. If left untreated, these issues can lead to flaking off paint and exposing your property to water damage again.  

Instead, hiring a water damage expert can help you address the main issues most effectively. Then, after you’ve properly secured your basement foundation against water damage, you can use the waterproofing paint as an additional layer of protection.

2. Not allowing your basement to dry out properly


basement waterproofing in West Chester


If your basement recently flooded, draining it too fast might cause new problems. Flooded basements are also linked to high pressure. When you drain yours too quickly, the water around the foundation rushes in, causing more damage to the surrounding walls and flooding your basement again. 

That’s why we recommend taking your time draining your basement and allowing the foundation to dry out. If you waterproof your basement foundation while the walls are still wet, you’ll look at costly basement repairs and more water damage.  

In the worst-case scenario, the advanced damage caused by waterproofing issues can weaken your home’s foundations and even cause a collapse. Waterproofing experts can help you avoid these problems altogether.  

They can prevent water damage problems from occurring, fix any structural damage, mitigate mold growth, fix the cracks in the basement floor, etc. 

3. Not thoroughly inspecting soil around your basement foundation

Another common basement foundation repair mistake West Chester property owners make is failing to inspect the soil around the basement foundation. In most cases, basement waterproofing issues occur when the soil around the foundation leaks water, letting it soak into your property. 

You can avoid this time-consuming and costly issue by ensuring the soil surrounding your basement foundation slopes away from your basement. Talk to waterproofing experts to discuss the best ways to mitigate any depressions around your home’s foundation to prevent moisture from getting deep under the soil and damaging your basement. 

As you can see, failing to properly check the surrounding soil around the basement foundation might cause unnecessary problems. We’re not only talking about costly repairs. Your well-being might be at stake if you rush your waterproofing measures.  

If you aren’t sure how to check the soil around your home, contact West Chester, PA, waterproofing experts and rely on their experience and expertise to get the job done.

4. Sealing cold joints

Every basement has some gaps between the foundation walls and the floor. Homeowners think they can solve this problem by simply sealing those gaps, thus preventing water from soaking in. However, that is as far from the truth as it gets. 

Sealing off wall gaps and cold joints traps the pressure, preventing its escape. Since pressure tends to build up, it can expand on the sides of your basement foundation, including the ceiling and surrounding walls. 

Instead of preventing issues, you’ll have to deal with a compromised basement foundation’s integrity and potential collapses.

5. Not solving waterproofing issues on time

Once your home develops waterproofing issues, waiting too long to fix them is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Putting preventive measures in place as early as possible is the best way to avoid more water damage and expensive repairs.  

We recommend taking the proactive approach here. Instead of reacting after the flood arises, you should protect your basement foundation early to prepare your home for whatever may come your way. Delaying waterproofing your property is a recipe for disaster. 

No matter how many protective measures you take, you’ll probably have to handle some basement foundation waterproofing issues at some point. Therefore, it’s much better to come prepared and prevent problems before they arise and escalate beyond repair.

6. Ignoring runoff areas

If you have waterlogged basement areas that always seem overwhelmed with water, inspect the outside of your basement, especially around the basement foundation. In some cases, a roof runoff can pool around the foundation, causing water to seep into your basement. 

You can mitigate this issue by inspecting your gutter and drainage systems to ensure they point water runoff away from your basement. Afterward, check the inside and the outside of your basement foundation before waterproofing your property.  

In addition, install window drains if you already don’t have them in your basement. They can stop water leaks and prevent moisture from entering the basement foundation and the surrounding walls, wreaking havoc on your home. 


These common basement foundation repair mistakes can endanger your home’s waterproofing protection and expose your property to many problems and expensive repairs. In some cases, homeowners must renovate entire homes due to making some of these basement waterproofing mistakes.  

If you don’t know where to start with basement waterproofing, contact the best waterproofing experts in Philadelphia and schedule your comprehensive inspection to determine the best course of action and prevent water damage from exposing you to unnecessary problems and hefty repair costs.